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Tami Hoffman

402-699-9934 (text only)

Soul Elevations Events

Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

Through the breathwork technique a change of consciousness opens one to an opportunity to emerge with infinite possibilities of wisdom. Closing our eyes turning inward we welcome an alter state of consciousness. This unified field gives us an opportunity to see ourselves. Tapping into the archetypal realms expanding our vision of the fragmented self into a universal whole. This inner journey lends itself to releasing old patterns, connecting to spiritual awareness, healing emotional wounds, accessing creativity, and engaging with universal wisdom.

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Sound Healing Mediation 

  • Thursday- September 5th 2024

  • 7 -  8PM

  • $25


1718 S. 10th Street
Omaha, NE 68108
To save your space text at 402-699-9934

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to Jan 21

Reiki 3 & Master Training

2024 Reiki

Soul Elevations Reiki Internship Program

 Becoming a Reiki Master & Teacher

Saturday and Sunday

1-20 -2024 and 1-21-2024

Hello Reiki Graduates 

Thank you for your participation and your commitment to following the wisdom of Reiki.

Soul Elevations is committed to Reiki and the training process. We have had 4 very successful training week-ends with a graduation of at least 20 students. This is truly an amazing process and I feel very blessed to have been able to work with so many gifted individuals.

As promised Soul Elevations will be offer Reiki Levels 3& 4. The path to becoming a Reiki Master has many levels of wisdom as well with aligning with your natural abilities to tap into your intuition. You will find both universal and personal layers of sharing yourself as conduits to the flow of universal energy, known as REIKI.

Part of passing down the wisdom from teacher to teacher holds a strong tradition of practice. I will outline each step so you can clearly make a decision for yourself is this is the right path for you.

Thank you for your participation and your commitment to following the wisdom of Reiki.

As part of my own journey I have completed the program more than once and each teacher was significant to my ability to flow into Reiki. Traditionally, or in the past Reiki was only from one teacher and relied more on mentorship through practice. Modern day has allowed more availability to the wisdom and symbols to be utilized through the main stream of information, we call the internet. I do not minimize the value of the internet it holds an infinite amount of information and connection. But I actually embrace the tradition of passing down the information from teacher to student. This method of passing down the esoteric knowledge in honor of those who have walked before us holds an experiential value and hands on learning. My hope is for Soul Elevation to become a community and Center to support the sacred learning and teaching of Reiki. I look forward to sharing and learning as we have come together to support one and another on this journey of Reiki. The path of the initiate.


 Activiley parakiting in the practice  of Reiki

·       Internship  of Soul Elevations Reiki Training 1 & 2 (you will be assigned a lesson to teach to the group, an example would be to teach the chakra's or teach history.)

January 6 and 7  2024  Reiki 1 and 2 Training

January 27 and 28 2024  Reiki 3 and Master Level Training

The Internship will be a great way to create a successful Reiki experience for you and your clients.  To Intern at the Reiki Training they will be limited space of 4-5 students, no worries if this time does not work I'm committed to continue to teach so there will be more opportunities.

Reiki Training Internship

January 6 and 7  2024  Reiki 1 and 2 Training

January 27 and 28 2024 Reiki 3 and Master Level Training

Saturday 11-4  p.m. and Sunday 11 am-3pm

The times may vary according to the attendance.

The cost of this program is $100.00 to intern which will be applied to your Master Level Training. Please contact me ASAP as there are a limited amount of spaces available and I can assign you your teaching assignment. I want you to have plenty of time to prepare and ask questions.

 The Master Level Training tuition is  $400.00. This includes Level 3 and 4Training. 

Reiki 3 Master & Level 4

  • ·        Review Reiki 1 and 2

  • ·        Becoming a Reiki Master

  • ·        Master Symbols and Techniques

  • ·        Working with the Crystals

  • ·        Long Distance Healing

  • ·        Advanced Techniques of Reiki

  • ·        Affirmations

  • ·        Business, Regulations and Insurance

  • ·        Attunement ( very powerful)

  • ·        Practice one full session

Tuition is $400.00 for Level 3 and 4.  (Minus $100.00 Internship process.)

If you are unable to attend Reiki  1 and 2 as an intern please text or email me and we can create another teaching assignment outside the class room.

More detail to come, once you register and make payment arrangements I will send a a confirmation email.

Thank You , Namaste

Tami Hoffman Reiki Master

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Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

A Vibrational Event, aligning with your authentic tone of Spirit. This Soul Elevations first Event of 2024 offers a time to rest the mind of intentions and let the magic of the crystalline vibration align with your unique tone of Spirit.

When the mind brings thoughts to the forefront , simply let them go, your spirit is releasing things that are no longer a vibrational match or serve you any longer. Don’t try to put intention or give your Spirit goals, release the mind/ego Trust your Spirit knows the way.

This mediation will also with intention unwind the nervous system giving way to a natural flow of healing energy. Brilliantly your Spirit’s Nature will connect to strengthen your intuition. Trust the vibrational sound to lift your Spirit and clear away unwanted worry, building a foundation of Trust between your mind and your Spirit.

Join us

Soul Elevations 1716 S. 10th Street. Omaha

Thursday evening January 18th, 2024

7-8 pm


Must register and pay to attend ( due to limited space)

Text at 402-699-9934

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Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

 Journey of the Soul.

  • Sunday January 7 2024

  • 10:30-6 pm

  • $150 

  • registration only and paid in full. ( due to limited space)

  • 402-699-9934 (text only) or

Integrative Breathwork
Sunday January 7 2024 
A journey of the soul's expression.
Emotional healing giving way to an authentic expression of experience. 
Through the Breathwork and music you will take an inner journey falling into the realms of an altered state of consciousness.
This experience is often compared to a psychedelic trip, without being drug induced. 
Please join us  as you experience yourself at levels of awareness beyond the ordinary three dimensional paradigm.
This process leads way to profound  evidence of the true creative, Shamanism, past lives, Archetypal adventures of the human psyche and so much more. 
Prepare for a life changing experience in knowing  the depth of "Self"

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Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

Through the breathwork technique a change of consciousness opens one to an opportunity to emerge with infinite possibilities of wisdom. Closing our eyes turning inward we welcome an alter state of consciousness. This unified field gives us an opportunity to see ourselves. Tapping into the archetypal realms expanding our vision of the fragmented self into a universal whole. This inner journey lends itself to releasing old patterns, connecting to spiritual awareness, healing emotional wounds, accessing creativity, and engaging with universal wisdom.

Soul Elevations Saturday

December 9, 2023

10:15 am-6 pm

$150.00 ( new web page)

Limited space available

Tami Hoffman /402-699-9934 (text only)

(Deposit or full payment required to reserve your space.)

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Integrative Breathwork

Integrative Breathwork

10:30 am-6 pm

Text -402-699-9934 Tami Hoffman (facilitator)
Limited space available
(Deposit or full payment required to reserve your space.)

Each of us bring our own unique experience each of  our stories  can feel familiar and simple, but the complexity is infinite. Integrative Breathwork is a transformational process. It gives us an opportunity to blend the human and the divine. We create space to remember our own divinity and the power of creation. This power is not found by reaching outwardly, but turning our attention inward. The trajectory  inward is often guided by patterns of our psyche. Through self awareness we can feel our spiritual intention. We are drawn towards this higher vibration and with a desire to balance this energy with our everyday reality. 

The breathwork is committed to expand our perspective, to heal patterns of negative thought formations and emotional traumas. This transformation can happen spontaneous  and sometimes with resistance, but change is evident

The soul’s intention rises up and meaning returns to our lives. A deep healing transcends our physical, emotional and mental bodies. 

You can not step twice into the same river” – Heraclitus

This quote reminds us everything is changing and we can be a conscious creator of our own transformation.  We all enter this portal of time space and the breathwork experience offers a safe interception of truth not bound by the ego’s influence. An exquisite channel of wisdom emerges as universal intelligence guiding us to a higher perspective.

The breathwork leads us to state of enlightenment, but beware the shadow must be revealed and darkness can prevail. The seas of emotions can turn into a storm and chaos disturbs. To note all is possible in our journey of the soul it teaches through the power of direct experience. Transformation is the opportunity to clearly see ourselves as the human and divine. Let the experience touch you spiritually. 

“Without the transcendence and the transpersonal, we get sick…or else hopeless and apathetic. We need something bigger that we are to be awed by and to commit ourselves to”  -Abraham Maslow

Register at or text 402-699-9934

$150 /session

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Crystal Bowl Meditation

Crystal Bowl Meditation

Crystal Bowl Meditation

Come join us to experience the healing nature the Crystal Bowls. Sound Healing.

Tami Hoffman is the host of this event


$25 venmo/ prepaid event

Text to save your spot/ 402-699-9934

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Reiki Training 1 & 2
to Jul 9

Reiki Training 1 & 2

Reiki Training 1 & 2

Awakening 2 Spirit
July 8 & 9
Saturday and Sunday
Soul Elevations
Facilitator- Tami Hoffman Reiki Master


Usui Reiki Training 1 & 2

Reiki is a spiritual guided life energy. Participating in this workshop will set you on a journey. This experience is so unique to each person some will tap into spiritual purpose, some will have a mystical experience, while others will be guided by  psychic energies, the list of increased spiritual awareness is an infinite field of possibilities. This powerful flow of energy is not simple or complex, but meets every one at the exact place of entry of your  own personal  spiritual journey. Some describe their experience of the  Reiki training process as heightening their ability to  hear messages, becoming aware of healing visions, opening to a wide field of consciousness and others are drawn to healing past life issues. Reiki supports meaningful guided wisdom of oneself and the ability to move into being an active healer of Reiki wisdom. The flow of Reiki moves through of it's own wisdom and  patterns of life. The Reiki practitioner becomes a clear channel of Reiki  using symbols and intuitive energy to balance the spiritual effectiveness.

Reiki Training 1

Basic Understanding of Reiki History of Reiki Reading the Energetic Body Exploring the Chakra System Reiki Attunement Learning Reiki Self Attunement Practicing Reiki Hand Positions

Reiki Training 2

The Power of Reiki The Power of Reiki Symbols Self-Care and Self Protection Sending long Distance Reiki Application of Reiki Reiki Share Code of Conduct and Ethics

Reiki 1 and 2 Training
Facilitator- Tami Hoffman Reiki Master
Saturday July 8 & 9
Saturday 11 am-4 pm.
Sunday 11-3 p.m.
Cost $400.00|(includes both sessions)
register before June 30th
limited space available
Must be registered to attend | register @
402-699-9934 (text only)

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Chakra Class & Cleanse

Chakra Class & Cleanse

This class will provide information on the 7 Main Chakra Energy Fields.

  • Where the energy fields are located in our bodies and other energy fields

  • Discovery the synchronicities & symbolism behind the colors of each chakra.

  • Finding meaning and purpose personally in your energy field

  • Help you use your chakra system to benefit your well being and identify any blocks

  • Provide time for questions

  • Harmonize your Chakra System

We will use a guided meditation followed by a Crystal Bowl Sound Healing to harmonize your chakra energy fields. This meditation will guide you to a personal relationship with your own well being. An emphasis on opening the Heart Chakra, the center of the system. Learning to respond and connect from the heart, a natural flow & reflection of the SOUL.

Soul Elevations, 1716 S 10th St., Omaha, NE 68108

Saturday June 17th



registration only at

text at 402-699-9934

Register b4 une 15th

Bring with you a mat and journal with a writing tool.

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